Get call recordings

In this step you will make a GET request to the Call Recording API to get a JSON response with your call recordings.

  1. Make a GET request to the Call Recording API and use the access_token that was returned from the get_token function.

    def get_company_call_recordings(token, account_id="self"):
      url = "{}/company_call_recordings".format(account_id)
      headers = {
        'Accept': 'application/json',
        'Authorization': 'Bearer {}'.format(token),
      response = requests.request("GET", url, headers=headers)
      return response.json()

    In this example, the call_recording/v1/api/ is called and the following parameter is passed:

    Key Description
    account_id The Vonage Business Communications account ID. You can use self to refer to the authenticated user's account.

    Note: A JSON response with a list of the account's call recordings is returned.

  2. The Call Recording API supports many more parameters that can be used to filter your recordings. For example, you can filter recordings by length of recording using duration:gte and duration:lte. Refer to the API documentation for all available parameters.

Next, you will create a function to download the recording.