SDK Reference Material
SDK Global Methods
Acquire a dialer API instance and ensure the dialer interface is ready (see SDK dialer instance methods)
Parameter | Type | Description |
dialerConfig | [object] | Dialer configuration options. |
callback | [function] | Callback function. |
Allows switching the provider (CC/UC) after the dialer interface is loaded.
- The SDK provides other methods to set the provider during initial load (see Loading Open ContactPad SDK)
Parameters | Type | Description |
provider | "cc" / "uc" |
ccDomain (optional) | [string] | Use a custom VCC region domain. Well known options are:
ccAccount (optional) | [string] | Use a custom VCC account name. |
Shortcut alias to dialer instance method placeCall (to be used when integration does not allow custom initialization).
- The result is not guaranteed if called too early.
Parameters | Type | Description |
phoneNumber | [string] | Phone number to dial |
contactable (optional) | [entityRef] | Optionally pass a preferred contact to be attached to the interaction events. |
Allows switching the provider (CC/UC) after the dialer interface is loaded.
- The SDK provides other methods to set the provider during initial load (see Loading Open ContactPad SDK)
Parameters | Type | Description |
provider | "cc" / "uc" |
ccDomain (optional) | [string] | Use a custom VCC region domain. Well known options are:
ccAccount (optional) | [string] | Use a custom VCC account name. |
Enable/Disable SDK build in phone number annotation library.
Parameters | Type | Description |
enabled | [boolean] | Annotate phone numbers on the current WEB page with a ClickToDial icon. |
Set default country for national format phone numbers recognition.
- In use by ClickToDial annotation library and UC dialer interface productivity helpers.
Parameters | Type | Description |
countryCode | [string] | 2 character country code (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 standard). |
SDK Dialer Instance Methods
VonageDialer.init({ debug: true }, (dialer) => {
dialer // <- dialer instance
Programmatically show/hide the dialer frame in DOT mode. This method has no effect when the dialer is loaded in a container.
- In DOT mode the user invokes the ContactPad frame by clicking on the Vonage button and hides the frame when the user clicks anywhere on the surrounding page areas.
Parameters | Type | Description |
visible | [boolean] | Show/Hide the dialer frame. |
Register a callback function to be executed when a dialer event occurs.
Parameters | Type | Description |
callback | [function] | Event processing callback function. The parameter sent to the callback function is a polymorphic model object having a property named "type". Each event type has its own properties structure. |
(UC dialer only) Set custom integration icon for settings and contacts visualization.
Parameters | Type | Description |
providerCode | [string] | Custom integration provider programmatic name. |
dataUrl | [string] | Base64 data encoded SVG image (* You can convert any SVG image (recommended size 64x64px) to a data URL with an online tool). |
Place a call.
Parameters | Type | Description |
phoneNumber | [string] | Phone number to dial. |
contactable (optional) | [entityRef] | Optionally pass a preferred contact to be attached to the interaction events. |
SDK Data Models
Dialer events are polymorphic objects categorized by type. The SDK uses events for operations that do not require response from the integration code.
Properties | Type | Description |
type | [string] | Interaction or operation event type:
data | [object] | Event data. Each type has a different data schema. |
Event type CALL_START
The event is generated by the SDK only once when a new interaction appear (in any internal state), or when there is an active call after the dialer is reloaded.
Properties | Type | Description |
id | [string] | Telephony provider interaction identifier. This identifier is not unique for the system. In order to keep association to the Vonage interaction in 3rd party storage use uid instead. |
uid | [string] | A composite interaction identifier (guarantees true uniqueness for the whole system). |
direction | "INBOUND" / "OUTBOUND" | Interaction direction |
phoneNumber | [string] | Interaction remote party phone number |
state | [string] | Interaction fine lifecycle state (INITIALIZING -> RINGING -> ACTIVE -> final disposition). |
internal | [boolean / undefined] | TRUE when this is a Vonage account internal communication. |
tag (optional) | [string] | *VBC only. Call Tagging |
contact (optional) | [contactable] | Attached contact. A contact could be assigned with the place call action. |
activity (optional) | [entityRef] | Attached uncompleted/current 3rd party activity reference. |
Event type CALL_ANSWER
(UC only) The event is generated by the SDK when the call is connected.
Properties (extends CALL_START event schema) | Type | Description |
answerDate | [datetime] | Answer time. |
The END event is generated by the SDK when the interaction reaches its final state. The HISTORY event is generated when the user selects a completed call from the history.
Properties (extends CALL_START event schema) | Type | Description |
answerDate (optional) | [datetime] | Answer time (unless it is zero duration state). |
endDate | [datetime] | Release time. |
- In case the custom integration is interested in the fine call state logic, here are some help constants including all possible call STATEs and its lifecycle:
Configuration options for SDK init method.
Properties | Type | Description |
debug | [boolean] default: false |
Print extra debug information in the browser JS console. |
provider "cc" / "uc" default: "uc" |
ccDomain (CC only) | [string] | Use a custom VCC region domain. Well known options are:
ccAccount (optional) | [string] | Use a custom VCC account name. |
features (UC only) | [dialerFeatures] | Customize UC dialer interface (show/hide extra UI controls). |
Show/Hide extra controls in the UC dialer interface.
Properties | Type | Description |
contactsProvider | [boolean] default: false |
When enabled, the dialer will execute the configured searchContactables callback when the user types in the dialpad phone number input and show the results as contacts suggestions. |
openContact | [boolean] default: false |
When enabled, the dialer will visualize an extra "open external link" icon near the contacts within the interface. Click on the icon executes the implemented openContact callback. |
openActivity | [string] | The value must be the providerCode chosen for the custom integration. Vonage Integrations attaches activities from different integration sources to the interaction events. The value is used as a scope to filter only the activities generated by your custom integration provider. When enabled, the UC dialer will visualize an extra "new/open note" icon in the interaction history and during an active call. Click on the icon executes the implemented openActivity callback. |
eventsHistory | [boolean] default: true |
When enabled the dialer will generate an extra event of type "CALL_HISTORY" when the user clicks on a completed call from the interaction history dialog. |
Unified object which represent any 3rd party entity having names and phone number and can represent an interaction party.
Properties | Type | Description |
provider | [string] (required) | Custom integration code. When visualizing contacts UI decorates the contact with the registered SVG icon having the same provider code. |
id | [string] (required) | External identifier. The custom integration contact uniqueness must be based provider+id+type. |
type | [string] (required) | External entity programmatic type. *Common CRM types are: Contact, Lead, Account, Candidate etc. |
label | [string] (required) | A string representing the external entity as human readable text sufficient enough for the user to recognize that the object is the desired one. *Usually in CRMs it is the First and Last name + some extra info specific for the integration. |
phoneNumber | [string] (required) | Contact phone number. Recommended is E.164 format, although the system is compatible with national formats when the country code is set correctly. |
phoneType | [string] (optional) | Extra label for visualization purposes. If the integration has a contact with 2 numbers (Home and Mobile), it must use 2 identical contactables having only different phoneNumber and phoneType. |
typeLabel | [string] (optional) | Human label for the programmatic entity type for visualization purposes. |
Unified object which represents any 3rd party entity having integration code, unique identifier and type
NOTE: The object could be a contactable as well, but the purpose is not Visualization (it does not require a phone number). The reference is carried with the interaction events and could be used for custom logic.
Properties | Type | Description |
provider | [string] (required) | Custom integration code. |
id | [string] (required) | External identifier. The custom integration contact uniqueness must be based provider+id+type |
type | [string] (required) | External entity programmatic type. *CRM type like: Case, Campaign, Task, etc.. |
label | [string] (optional) | A string representing the external entity as human readable text, sufficient enough for the user to recognize that the object is the desired one. |
typeLabel | [string] (optional) | Human label for the programmatic entity type for visualization purposes. |