Receive an inbound call

This code snippet demonstrates how to receive an inbound call on your Smart Number.



A Nexmo application contains the required configuration for your project. You can create an application using the Nexmo CLI (see below) or via the dashboard. To learn more about applications see our Nexmo concepts guide.

Install the CLI

npm install -g nexmo-cli

Create an application

Once you have the CLI installed you can use it to create a Nexmo application. Run the following command and make a note of the application ID that it returns. This is the value to use in NEXMO_APPLICATION_ID in the example below. It will also create private.key in the current directory which you will need in the Initialize your dependencies step

Nexmo needs to connect to your local machine to access your answer_url. We recommend using ngrok to do this. Make sure to change in the examples below to your own ngrok URL.

nexmo app:create "Receive Inbound Call Example" --keyfile private.key

npm install express

Create a file named receive-an-inbound-call.js and add the following code:

const app = require('express')()

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Write the code

Add the following to receive-an-inbound-call.js:

const onInboundCall = (request, response) => {
  const from = request.query.from
  const fromSplitIntoCharacters = from.split('').join(' ')

  const ncco = [{
    action: 'talk',
    text: `Thank you for calling from ${fromSplitIntoCharacters}`


app.get('/webhooks/answer', onInboundCall)

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Run your code

Save this file to your machine and run it:

node receive-an-inbound-call.js

Try it out

When you call your Smart Number you will hear a text-to-speech message.