
Now that you have created an application and subscribed to the Call Recording API, you must generate an access token.

  1. Log-in using your Vonage Business Communications credentials. This example application uses the Requests library to call the /api/accounts/ API.

    Refer to the Making an API request guide for more details.

  2. Create a function that requests the /api/accounts API to generate an access token:

    def get_token():
      url = ""
      payload = 'grant_type=password&username={}&password={}&client_id={}&client_secret={}'.format(USERNAME, PASSWORD, CLIENT_ID, SECRET)
      headers = {
        'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
      response = requests.request("POST", url, headers=headers, data = payload)
      return response.json()
  3. Run the function passing in the following values:

    Key Description
    USERNAME Vonage Business Communications username. Be sure to append to the username.
    PASSWORD Vonage Business Communications password.
    CLIENT_ID The client id of your Vonage Developer application.
    SECRET The secret to your Vonage Developer application.

    After running this function, you should see the following response:

    {'access_token': 'abc123-xxxxx-xxxxx',
    'expires_in': 9999,
    'refresh_token': 'def456-xxxx-xxxx',
    'scope': 'default',
    'token_type': 'Bearer'}

Next, you will make a GET request to get a list of recordings from the account.