
Update Express app to make API calls to Salesforce

In this section, you will update your Express application to create a new Task on Salesforce when your webhook is triggered from a call.

To update an ExpressJS application:

  1. In your application, add the JSForce library as well as dotenv by using:

    npm install jsforce dotenv--save
  2. Create a new file called .env, which will have the following:


    The SF_USERNAME and SF_PASSWORD will be the username and password used to login into Salesforce. The SF_TOKEN is the token you should have received via email when your security token was generated by Salesforce.

  3. Create a new Javascript file, called Salesforce.js and add the following:

    var jsforce = require('jsforce');
    var conn = new jsforce.Connection();
    function login() {
        return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
            conn.login(process.env.SF_USERNAME, process.env.SF_PASSWORD + process.env.SF_TOKEN, function(err, res) {
                if (err) {reject(err); return}
    function getContact(phone_number) {
        return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
            var q = `SELECT Id FROM Contact WHERE Phone='${phone_number}'`
            conn.query(q, function(err, res) {
                if (err) {reject(err); console.log(err);}
    function createContact(first_name, last_name, phone_number) {
        return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
            //Create new contact, get the record ID
            console.log(`Create contact ${first_name} ${last_name} ${phone_number}`)
            var data = { FirstName : first_name, LastName : last_name, Phone:phone_number}
            if (first_name != null) {
                data['FirstName'] = first_name
            if (last_name != null) {
                data['LastName'] = last_name
            conn.sobject("Contact").create(data, function(err, ret) {
                if (err || !ret.success) { reject(err);  console.error(err, ret); return }
                console.log("Created new contact id : " +;
    function addTask(subject, call_dur, recordId) {
        return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
            conn.sobject("Task").create({ TaskSubtype : 'Call', CallDurationInSeconds : call_dur, Subject:subject, WhoId:recordId}, function(err, ret) {
                if (err || !ret.success) { reject(err);  console.error(err, ret); return }
                console.log("Created new task id : " +;
    module.exports.login = login
    module.exports.getContact = getContact
    module.exports.createContact = createContact
    module.exports.addTask = addTask
  4. Update the code in app.js to import this new file:

    var salesforce = require('./Salesforce.js')

    When the app loads, write the code to login using your Salesforce credentials.

        .then(function(res) {
    }).catch((function(err) {
  5. Update the code in the'/webhook) section of your application to use the new Salesforce.js file.

    const express = require('express')
    const app = express()
    const port = 3000'/webhook', (req, res) => {
        var event = req.body.event
        var callerId = event.callerId;
        var first_name = null
        var last_name = null
        var phone_number = event.phoneNumber.replace(/\D/g,'')
        if (typeof(callerId) != "undefined") {
            [last_name, first_name] = callerId.split(" ")
        } else {
            last_name = phone_number
        var direction = event.direction
        var duration = event.duration
        var state = event.state
        if (state == "ANSWERED")  {
            var name = `${first_name} ${last_name}`
            if (typeof(callerId) == "undefined") {
                name = phone_number
            var subject = `${direction.toLowerCase()} call with ${name}`
            .then(function(contact) {
                if (contact["totalSize"] == 0) {
                    //Create new contact
                    return salesforce.createContact(first_name, last_name, phone_number)
                    .then(function(contact) {
                    var contactId = contact["Id"]
                    return salesforce.addTask(subject, duration, contactId)
                } else {
                    //Grab the first contact
                    var contactId = contact["records"][0]["Id"]
                    return salesforce.addTask(subject, duration, contactId)
            }).catch(function(err) {
     app.listen(port, () => console.log(`Example app listening at http://localhost:${port}`))

    This code will be triggered when a call is made or received from your VBC number, When the call is completed(if (state == "ANSWERED")), the application will first look for a Contact with the given phone number(event.phoneNumber).

    This will call the salesforce.getContact() function to search for the Contact. If the Contact exists, we create a new Task using the function salesforce.addTask(). This will create a new Task in Salesforce that includes the title, the associated Contact(using the contactId) and the duration of the call.

    If there are no Contacts that match the given phone number, using the contact["totalSize"] == 0 check, the application will then create a new Contact using the event.callerId property from the webhook, and split the string into a first name and last name. Note, outgoing calls MAY not have this property. In this case, we will use the phone number as the Contact's last name.

  6. To start your application, run the following command:

    node app.js

Your application will now create a new Task in Salesforce when a completed call is made or received.

Note: Make sure the port you have specified (300) is the same port you use when creating your ngrok URL.