

In this tutorial, you will learn how to create a webhook to receive events from calls. Using webhooks will allow you to create a unique realtime call applications to build products your users will love.

When a call is made or received, the webhooks API allows you to monitor active calls. The webhook will return the following information:

  "event": {
  "accountId": "{YOUR_ACCOUNT_ID}",
  "callerId": "{CALLER_NAME}",
  "direction": "{DIRECTION}",
  "duration": {LENGTH OF CALL},
  "externalId": "{ID}",
  "id": "{ID}",
  "internal": {INTERNAL_FLAG},
  "phoneNumber": "{PHONE_NUMBER",
  "startTime": "IOS8601 TIME ",
  "state": "{CALL STATE}",
  "type": "{CALL_TYPE}",
  "ucpType": "",
  "userId": "{USER_ID"

When the status of the call changes, a new payload will be sent to the webhook:

  • When the call begins, you will receive a payload with the state as RINGING.
  • When the call is answered, you will receive a payload with the state as ACTIVE.
  • When the call ends, you will receive a payload with the state as ANSWERED.
  • If the call is not picked up, you will receive a payload with the state as MISSED.

For more information about the payload in a webhook, please refer to the webhooks documentation.

Receiving call events using webhooks

Create a webhook to receive events from calls

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