Get call recordings

In this step you will make a GET request to the Call Recording API to get a JSON response with your call recordings.

  1. Before you call the company_call_recordings API, you must pass in a date string that is in the past. For the purposes of this demonstration, you will use a date 7 days in the past:

    import datetime
    import urllib.parse
    today =
    last_week = datetime.timedelta(days = 7)
    date_diff = today - last_week
    encoded_date = urllib.parse.quote_plus(date_diff.strftime('%Y-%m-%dT00:00:00+0000'))
    1. In this example, you get the current date using
    2. Use the datetime.timedelta() function to create a date that is days in the past. In this example, 7 is the value set.
    3. Subtract the current date from the date 7 days in the past, to get your date.
    4. Use strftime() to convert the date object into a string. In this example, the time is set to 00:00:00+0000, which means you will get the date at midnight UTC.
    5. Before you can pass the date into the Call Recordings API, you must urlencode the date using urllib.parse.quote_plus().
  2. Request the company_call_recordings/v1/api/ and use the access_token that was returned from the get_token() function. This will return a JSON response of the call recordings. Next, pass in the encoded_date into this function:

    import requests
    comany_recordings = []
    def company_call_recordings(token, start_date, account_id="self",order="asc", page_size=10, page=1):
      url = "{}/company_call_recordings?order={}&page_size={}&page={}&start:gte={}".format(account_id, order, page_size, page, start_date)
      headers = {
        'Accept': 'application/json',
        'Authorization': 'Bearer {}'.format(token),
      response = requests.request("GET", url, headers=headers).json()
      if "_embedded" in response:
      if "total_pages" in response:
        if page < response["total_pages"]:
          page = page + 1
          company_call_recordings(token, start_date, account_id, order, page_size, page)
      return comany_recordings

    In this example, you are calling the company_call_recordings/v1/api/ and passing the following parameters:

    Key Description
    account_id The Vonage Business Communications account ID. You can use self to refer to the authenticated user's account.
    page The number of pages to request.
    page_size The requested page size.
    order The order of the returned call recordings.
    start:gte Filter records by start date (greater than or equal to).

    You may also pass in start:lte which would return records less than the given date.

  3. Once you get a list of call recordings, you will loop though each recording and delete them.

    Before doing this, make sure you have a backup of the recordings. Refer to the Saving call recordings to Amazon S3 tutorial to save recordings to an Amazon S3 bucket.

For the purposes of this tutorial, you will create a function to delete the call recordings by their recording IDs in the next step.