Delete call recordings and on-demand call recordings

You can delete call recordings and delete on-demand call recordings by duration.

Delete Call Recordings

The get_company_call_recordings() function returns a list of recordings from the account.

  1. Create a function to delete the recording by its recording id:

    def delete_call_recording(token, call_id, account_id="self"):
      url = "{}/company_call_recordings/{}".format(account_id, call_id)
      headers = {
        'Accept': 'application/json',
        'Authorization': 'Bearer {}'.format(token)
      response = requests.request("DELETE", url, headers=headers)
      return response

    This function takes the recording from the call_id parameter and deletes the call recording. In this example, you are setting account_id to self.

  2. Loop though the call recordings from the get_company_call_recordings() function you wrote and get the recording's call_id. You will pass in call_id into your delete_call_recording() function to delete the recording.

    for recording in recordings["_embedded"]["recordings"]:
      call_id = recording["id"]
      response = delete_call_recording(access_token, call_id)

    You get the recording id from the recordings list, then pass that call_id to the delete_call_recording function. If successful, the response will be an empty 204 response.

Delete On Demand Call Recordings

Deleting on-demand call recordings is almost the same as deleting call recordings; however, you will use the call_recordings API.

As before, you must list all the on-demand recordings after a given date.

  1. Get a list of on-demand call recordings using this function:

    on_demand_recordings = []
    def on_demand_call_recordings(token, account_id="self", user_id="self", order="start%3ADESC",page=1, page_size=10, start_date=None, end_date=None):
      url = "{}/users/{}/call_recordings?order={}&page={}&page_size={}".format(account_id, user_id, order, page, page_size)
      if start_date:
        url = url + "&start:gte="+start_date
      if end_date:
        url = url + "&start:lte="+end_date
      headers = {
        'Accept': 'application/json',
        'Authorization': 'Bearer {}'.format(token),
      response = requests.request("GET", url, headers=headers).json()
      if "_embedded" in response:
      if "total_pages" in response:
        if page < response["total_pages"]:
          page = page + 1
          on_demand_call_recordings(token, account_id, user_id, order,page, page_size, start_date, end_date)
      return on_demand_recordings

    Here, you are calling the call_recording API and passing the following parameter:

    Key Description
    account_id The Vonage Business Communications account ID. You can use self to refer to the authenticated user's account.
    user_id The user ID. You can use self to refer to the authenticated user.
    page The number of pages to request.
    page_size The requested page size.
    order The order of the returned call recordings.
    start:gte Filter records by start date (greater than or equal to).
  2. For the purposes of this exercise, generate a date 7 days in the past and use that for the start_date parameter:

    import datetime
    import urllib.parse
    today =
    last_week = datetime.timedelta(days = 7)
    date_diff = today - last_week
    encoded_date = urllib.parse.quote_plus(date_diff.strftime('%Y-%m-%dT00:00:00+0000'))
  3. Write a function that calls the company_call_recordings API to delete the recording by call_id:

    def delete_on_demand_recording(token, call_id, account_id="self", user_id="self"):
      url = "{}/users/{}/call_recordings/{}".format(account_id, call_id)
      headers = {
        'Accept': 'application/json',
        'Authorization': 'Bearer {}'.format(token)
      response = requests.request("DELETE", url, headers=headers)
      return response
  4. Loop through the recordings and write a function to delete the on demand call recording using the call_id:

    access_token = get_token()["access_token"]
    recordings = on_demand_call_recordings(access_token, start_date=encoded_date)
    for recording in recordings["_embedded"]["recordings"]:
      call_id = recording["id"]
      duration = int(recording["duration"])
        response = delete_on_demand_recording(access_token, call_id)

In the next step, you will create a CRON job to automatically delete the call recordings every week so you will not have to do it manually.